Treating Wastewater With Ozone

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Treating Wastewater with Ozone

Ozone is an intense and highly reactive form of oxygen with oxygen atoms that have been used for Treating Wastewater worldwide. Ozonation has been implemented in wastewater as a disinfectant before discharging to the receiving water bodies.

Oxidation of micropollutants for potable water reuse purposes

Potable water reuse requires a multibarrier approach to guarantee the safety of microbial and chemical drinking water. Currently, most of the water reuse facilities rely on systems that treat municipal wastewater effluent by a sequence of membranes (micro- or ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis (RO)) followed by an advanced oxidation process (most commonly UV/H2O2) and a disinfection step for the distribution system. This scheme can also include ozonation as the primary treatment disinfection step.

Oxidation of micropollutants to reduce their discharge to water bodies

Ozonation is the top choice for many countries when it comes to wastewater treatment because it is highly effective in eliminating a broad spectrum of micropollutants. It was shown that biologically active compounds such as estrogens, antibiotics, antivirals, and pesticides lost their primary target effects during ozonation. During the ozonation of real wastewaters in laboratory pilot and full-scale studies, mixed results were obtained with various toxicological endpoints such as the fish early life stage toxicity test, the chironomid toxicity test, the Lumbriculus toxicity test, the Ceriodaphnia dubia toxicity test with mostly a reduction in toxicity. However, biological post-treatment by sand or activated carbon filtration led mostly to a significant reduction of the toxicity, wherefore, typically, a biological post-treatment step is implemented after the ozonation of wastewater.

Ozone for Watercolor

It has been demonstrated that ozone oxidation satisfactorily removes the color of tannery wastewater. Ozone effectively removes color from all dyes used in textile processing. The amount of ozone can vary depending on several factors: how much color was removed in the biological process, the type of dye used, where ozone is applied in the process, etc. Knowing the proper amount of ozone required to meet the color removal objective for the receiving water body is critical to the economics of the ozone system. Typically, predicting the necessary amount of ozone is a difficult task. Therefore, in situations where there is no prior experience to rely on, pilot testing is commonly utilized.

A study by Tosik has shown that about 1 mg ozone/mg dye is required to achieve 95% color removal, although this ratio varies by dye type. The ratio increases to about 1.5 for 100% removal. Reaction times were on the order of 10 minutes. The textile industry’s typical dosage might be 15 mg/l post-biological treatment. It is important to note that the ozone dose only needs to make the dye compound uncolored and not necessarily completely mineralize the material.

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