Aquaculture, Zoos & Hatcheries Applications:

Fish Farming & Hatcheries
Aquaculture can benefit from both the economic and ecological benefits of ozone.
Ozone eliminated pathogens and water parasites that cause fish disease without any chemicals. Thus, decreasing fish mortality and saving the owners thousands of dollars each season.
After installing an ozone system in fish farms in Eastern Europe, our customers experienced a 40% weight gain, improved taste, and decreased fish mortality. After just one season, their ozone system has paid for itself.

Life Support Systems – Aquariums & Zoos
Larger aquariums, zoos, and hatcheries are constantly looking for new and efficient ways of protecting different species in their facilities. One of the most effective ways of providing this safety is using ozone treatment for water disinfection. Data and experience suggest that chemical treatment of the water utilized by different animal species has many health concerns. Ozone is a cost-effective and non-invasive water treatment solution to keep animals healthy and happy.