The Model 106 series of ozone monitors were designed specifically for the industrial ozone industry to cover four different ozone concentration ranges by varying the optical path length. The ranges are: -L (low, 0-100 ppm); -M (medium, 0-1,000 ppm); -MH (medium-high, 0-10,000 ppm, 0-1 vol%) and -H (0-20 wt%, 0-14 vol%). The Model 106 series is designed as an “ozone monitor on a board” in which nearly all of the components are mounted directly to the printed circuit board with very few wire connections, making these instruments highly robust and very easy to service. All models are available in a standard enclosure, weather-resistant NEMA enclosure. Configurations for multi-channel sampling are available for Models 106-L, 106-M, and 106-MH.
The Model 106-H Ozone Monitor is designed specifically for measuring the output of high concentration ozone generators that produce ozone in either air or oxygen by either UV light or corona discharge. This model differs from other 106-series ozone monitors in that it flows through with no air pump and the plumbing is designed for high pressure (up to 50 PSIG) and partial vacuum.